Key Action 2: Cooperation among organisations and institutions

The Actions supported under this Key Action are expected to contribute significantly to the priorities of the programme, to bring positive and long-lasting effects on the participating organisations, on the policy systems in which such Actions are framed as well as on the organisations and persons directly or indirectly involved in the organised activities.

Our projects:


KA210-ADU – Small-scale partnerships in adult education


01/05/2024 – 31/12/2025
Total grant:  60 000.00 €

Involved countries:

Lithuania – Association IVAIGO

IVAIGO is a non-profit organization founded in Lithuania by a group of experienced individuals with a common goal of providing support and social assistance to everyone, regardless of their background. The organization’s aim is to develop human potential through non-formal education, mentoring, and understanding. IVAIGO organizes training for adults that includes the development of digital skills and knowledge about the use of digital tools, including accessible and assistive technologies, as well as the creation and innovative use of digital educational content. Also develops modern solutions for the application of hybrid technology in organizing the educational process.

Latvia – DIJA Ltd. (coordinator)

Spain – Neotalentway SL 

Neotalentway is a training and education center in Granada that focuses on adults: training and inclusion of the employed and unemployed. Working on training development, which results in exploring new ways to improve the training skills of all our partners. Aspires to be experts in the creation and consulting of platforms, as well as experts in the digitization of their content, development of digital materials and their importance in everyday life.



Promoting inclusion and equality in the field of adult education by strengthening the capacity of small and medium adult education representatives and promoting their competitiveness in the field of digital tools and solutions.


  1. Get to know digital opportunities in adult education, create useful opportunities/tools for PO and implement their use in daily work (both management and employees of other levels).
  2. To learn and to introduce digital information tools and it usage. 

What activities are you going to implement?

Courses – Use of digital tools and hybrid technologies in the education and training process

Expert training on artificial intelligence in the modern education and training process

Working groups – Video and photo as an important modern information and training resource Digitization in practice – development of a digital learning platform and creation of infographics Discussion of the distribution of results and further actions plan.

What results do you expect your project to have?

Strengthened capacity of organizations (increased knowledge, skills, attitudes, and experience in the field of digital solutions and opportunities, thus increasing the competitiveness of the PO, as well as opportunities to implement what has been learned in daily work). The experience of international cooperation projects was acquired and a stable long-term cooperation was obtained.

Implemented at least 5 digital ones solutions organization everyday at work.

What results do you expect your project to have?

Capacity of organizations increased (increased knowledge, skills, attitudes, experience in the field of digital solutions and opportunities, thus increasing the competitiveness of the PO, as well as opportunities to implement the learned in daily work).

Experience of international cooperation projects was acquired and stable long-term cooperation was obtained. Implemented at least 5 digital solutions in the daily work of organizations.
