Start of Project: 01/06/2023
End of Project: 30/11/2024
Accredited mobility projects for adult education learners and staff (KA 121-ADU)
Accreditation for an individual organisation Erasmus+: 2023-1-LV01-KA121-VET-000146135
What do you want to achieve?
Objective #1: Improve the digital skills and language skills of DIJA employees.
Develop the digital skills of DIJA employees in order to increase the availability of the service remotely, thus reaching a larger target audience, as well as increasing DIJA’s competitiveness in the market. This especially was relevant during the Covid pandemic, when remote learning was the only option to continue providing training. Getting to know the vast possibilities of different digital tools and seeing how it operating in practice elsewhere would be a huge benefit to DIJA staff. This would make the training more attainable, affordable as well as more relevant to today’s demand.To develop DIJA employees’ knowledge of foreign languages, especially English. This would give an opportunity to get acquainted with useful materials in foreign languages, as well as to participate in international projects. That would give an opportunity to expand your horizons, increasing your understanding of the training culture, tools, and trends of other countries. Knowledge of languages would provide an opportunity for wider cooperation with foreign countries organizations, joint projects, as well as improved performance of DIJA services.
Objective #2: Improve the quality of formal and non-formal adult education programs.
DIJA implements around 50 adult education programs, mostly based on the principles of formal education. In the previous contact with the advantages of non-formal education, we realized that it would be a valuable addition to existing formal training methods, as well as an opportunity to create new non-formal education programs for adults. We want to know the informal ones educational methods and their application in the process of adult education, in order to implement it in the daily activities of DIJA, both in training adults and in the collective of DIJA employees. To multiply the quality of the programs, we want to increase the trainers’ experience on the topic of the program by getting to know new methods and approaches, acquiring new knowledge and skills, as well as attitudes (by shared approach – mobility, distance learning and attraction of an international expert). Improving the quality of existing programs and creating new ones will provide an opportunity to expand what DIJA offers range of training opportunities, as well as make learning diverse, including the widest possible audience.
Objective #3: To increase the possibility of participation of DIJA learners in adult education.
DIJA has been working with the unemployed for more than 15 years, who are considered a group of people with fewer opportunities (especially the long-term unemployed) and now also those who do not study, do not work, do not learn a trade and are not registered in the NVA as unemployed. Taking into account the experience so far, we want to expand their opportunities to increase self-confidence, employment and careers opportunities to improve the acquisition of foreign languages and digital skills, as well as to improve positive cooperation with people and to gain, possibly for the first time, experience in an international project. We plan to in addition to the existing programs, involve them in additional group mobility activities, promoting their knowledge, skills, experiences and giving them the opportunity to gain positive experience and motivation participate in the future. We see this need through long-term cooperation with these groups. In addition to this target audience, we plan to continue successfully cooperating with other groups with less opportunities (health problems, geographical, economic barriers, learning difficulties).